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Provider Initiatives

Technical Assistance (TA) is the provision of targeted and customized supports by a professional(s) with subject matter and adult learning knowledge and skills to develop or strengthen processes, knowledge application, or implementation of services by recipients.


CCR&R Technical Assistance services help providers improve or enhance the quality of child care so that families have access to quality child care for their children.  As a result, providers will be able to implement knowledge about quality in their individual care giving situations. 





















All tehnical assistance services provided by CCR&R are free.  Programs will not be required to purchase any memberships, additional materials or supplies to receive services.









Three initiatives for child care providers:


  • Stars Advancement Coaching - assist programs to advance levels in the Reaching for the Stars Quality Rating and Improvment System (QRIS).  Short or long term depending on the need.

  • Single Issue Consultation - address a single specific issue, topic or concern.  Short term requiring one or two episodes; recommendations may include provision of longer term TA.

  • Ongoing Technical Assistance Coaching - structured, intentional on-site TA which supports the development of specific skills and practices.  Longer term requiring three or more onsite episodes with duration dependent on successful progress toward meeting goals.



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