Your Local CCR&R Agency
Professional Development
All caregivers need to keep up with current knowledge and information. In fact, Oklahoma child care providers must have at least 12 hours of training each year to remain licensed.
Resource Documents
Tips for Earning a CDA (Child Development Associate)
Links to Services
Local CCR&R Agency, offers training and technical assistance on a variety of topics. See the web page Services for Providers or Provider Initiatives.
Trainings through CECPD (Center for Early Childhood Professional Development)
Oklahoma Registry
Video Lending Library
Child Care Career Training Series
Professional Development Approval System, training registry
Scholars for Excellence in Child Care (Scholars), awards scholarships to eligible child care professionals to complete course work in the area of early childhood development or early childhood education, as well as the CDA and Certified Childcare Professionals (CCP) Credential Assessment.
Reaching for the Stars, tiered system of quality and reimbursement for child care providers.
Child Care Warmline, 1-888-574-5437 , offers free telephone consultations to child care providers on numerous topics of concern.
Local Career Technology Center, offers Pathway to CDA designed to help providers earn their CDA credential.