Types of Care
Child Care Centers are facilities which provide care and supervision of children and which operate more than 30 hours a week. This includes Head Start and Early Head Start Programs. Centers providing drop-in services provide care for children on a drop-in basis and meet the needs of parents seeking occasional or part-time care.
Family Child Care Homes provide care and supervision for up to seven children in a family home.
Large Family Child Care Homes provide care and supervision for eight to 12 children and have more than one provider.
Part-Day Children's Programs provide care and supervision, generally offering preschool or mother’s day out programs, for more than 15 hours and up to 30 hours a week.
School Aged Programs & Summer Day Camps provide care and supervision for school-age children, such as before-school and after-school programs, extended day programs, day camps, summer camps and summer park programs for more than 15 hours per week.